
Become the goal-getter

What if you knew, whatever you want, you’ll get? How would that change your life?

In this workshop, you’ll get clear on what you want. And you’ll create the whole road map of the necessary behavioral and thought patterns that lead you to your goal. Become the person who has what you want.

You’ve heard of manifestation but it’s not so 100% clear to you what it is or how it works? It all seems a little mushy?

And mostly: it doesn’t seem to be working for you?

Well, this workshop is gonna make it all really structured and implementable.

Manifestation is often taught in a very “up in the clouds – dreamy” kinda way. When actually you do it every single moment of your life and manifested long before you ever heard that word.

Just meditating and imagining your desires won’t bring you all too far.

I’m a pretty hands-on girl 😀 so I’ve drawn out a hands-on manifestation process that actually works!

Let’s stop making failure an option and learn how to claim the life of your dreams. Whether that means building a business or finding a new love.

You want this?

Clear life vision

You want to go for your goals with even more conviction and clarity?

stable base

You know how important your inner foundation is and are here to get clear steps on how to make it rock solid?

Identity work

You know that you attract who you are. And you'd like to learn how to get who you are being in alignment with what you want.

Being enough

You want to make what you are now enough. You do not need more time, more followers, more money. You can make it happen now!

Unshakable confidence

And most of all: you want to feel limitless confidence about your goals. Whatever you want, you know it will be yours. If not today or tomorrow, then in the long-term. You keep going for your dreams and stop making failure even an option.


Hotel Manager at age 25, self-employed at 28

After my Master’s degree in Business & Economics, I went to Zanzibar to lead a hotel.

From 0 team lead experience to suddenly 20 staff members under me.

Then in 2021 I threw myself into the cold water again and decided to start my own business + quit my job at the same time. Before I even had a clear business idea.

I’ve always been a bit of a daredevil. And I love to activate that energy in others.

Clients usually tell me “It’s so crazy where I am at. Without you I would not even have started all of this. And now I got a first client after just one month in business!”

Want to dip your toes into my work? This workshop is the perfect opportunity for that!


In this workshop you’ll learn a clear and structured process of how to manifest your desires into your reality. You wish for a new love or a first client? You wish for more ease or losing 3kg?

Get the structured formula of how to attract it.


We’ll start off with a meditation journey to get you out of your head and into your heart. If you want to build a life that excites you then you first want to access that excitement. Feel it.

Goal setting

You’ll translate that feeling into images, words, and ultimately goals. Bring it onto paper and create a clear vision of what you want in all the 4 major life areas: relationships, career, health & fitness, and lifestyle

The Doing

You can want a lot but just creating a vision board will not automatically let it all fall into your lap. You’ll map out specifically which actions are required for you to HAVE what you want to have.

The Becoming

Who is the person who has what you want to have? How does she go through her life?

You’ll map out who you need to BEcome to automatically DO the things that lead you to what you want to HAVE.


A big part of identity shifting is about setting new standards. And that comes with learning and deciding what to say “no” to. Whatever you see in your reality right now, the things you like and the ones you do NOT like. You’ve accepted it. It’s your current standard. And it will only change once you decide that it’s unacceptable.

Identity Shift

Learn how to implement all that you’ve just clarified on a daily basis. In this section we talk about habit building and helpful routines. Learn how to become the goal-getter.

After BraveYOU

  • You’ll have a complete & specific roadmap of how to get to your life vision.
  • You know exactly what to put into practice in your daily life to align who you are being with the life you want to have.
  • You know the tools that increase your inner stability and help you get out of slumps.

After the workshop you’ll feel ready to take over the world. You feel motivated and excited about all the possibilities life offers you. Because now you understood: if you want it, you can have it.


Nope! This is for anyone who feels like life has still more in store for them, but is not sure what exactly or how to reach it. No matter if you want to have a corporate career, build a business, or find the love of your life.

The pricing will change throughout the launch. The last price will be CHF 89.

Why is that?

One of the reasons why people get stuck is that they don’t decide. Hanging in limbo is just the least productive state. So I’m always here to motivate you to take a decision NOW instead of overthinking for weeks.

I’m calculating with around 2 to 3 hours. But no worries, I won’t bombard you with infos for so long. You’ll get at least one hour (in total) to journal things out by yourself.

Feeling like “I don’t have time for this”? That’s a pretty clear hint that you should join even more. Because it means you are probably keeping yourself very busy with headless action. That will never create the extraordinary life you want.

There will be a mix of visualisation, input, journal exercises, and exchange. You’ll also get a 30 page workbook.

After this workshop you’ll be crystal clear how manifestation works. You know where you want to go and have the complete road map on your hand how you’ll get there. And you’ll learn how you can implement that on a daily basis.

The live workshop will take place on Sunday 22nd October, 11am CET. But don’t worry if you cannot join live, you’ll get the recording.

Become the goal-getter!

You know life has more in store for you. You crave feeling free and independent. You want to access a state of confidence and creativity.

Then claim it now. Learn the structured process of how to manifest your desires.

See you on the 22nd October! 😀

12 weeks 1:1 Mentoring
become your brand

You see all these people working online, from where and when they want. All these women who built their dream. And it touches something in you. You kinda want that too because you love to travel.

But you don’t manage to show yourself online. You are too worried that it could be embarrassing. If at all, you would need to write content for a whole month before you can start.

And you anyway have no idea what type of business would be your thing. And where to start even? It seems SO big. So big that you don’t even want to open that box.

But the dream, it stays in the back of your head.

Cool. No worries. Gotcha. I was there too at some point. And look where I am now.

We’ll get there, step by step. You need clarity as to what your gift is. And confidence to show it to the world. You need some branding & strategy knowledge. And a good dose of trust into yourself & the universe. Aaaall of these topics we’ll look at.

So that by the end of our 12 weeks, you have a branded, active Insta channel & you started to build your website. You had first market research calls with potential soul clients and know your brand archetypes. You know how to deal with yourself and how to clear road blocks. In other words, you have ALL the basics that are needed to start flying.

Sounds good? I’d certainly say so! 😃

If you need some more hard facts, here you go 😊

The Communication Mentoring

Learn how to talk directly to your client’s soul & build your tribe.

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