You want to have the freedom to plan your own days and weeks combined with having work that truly fills your heart? You’d love to travel and experience the world, not just in the 5 weeks vacation you get per year?
In short: having your own online business is your big dream?
Then you’re in the right place! Because that is not a dream for me, it’s my reality.
This online course shows you all you need to know on the path from “I want to work online, but how exactly and what to offer?” to “yay! first clients!!”
You have too many ideas for offers and content and don't have any structure to filter them. Either you have no clear offer yet, or too many. Whichever it is, you're not making (m)any sales.
You've started to post on Instagram, but you're taking hours to edit content and end up getting hardly any engagement or views. Gaining followers is super hard for you.
Everything feels unclear and vague. There are so many options you could go for, such as different types of offers or marketing strategies. And you don't want to pick the wrong one. You have no idea where to start.
You're worried what other people could think of you when they see you online. Be it friends & family or mean strangers that could leave hate comments. You're holding yourself back, trying to fit in and not upset anyone.
With the start of an online business there are suddenly sooo many topics popping up. It’s as if you’ve suddenly opened the doors to a whole new world with 238 possible roads to take.
You could offer online courses, workbooks, 1:1 services. There’s lots to learn in terms of marketing from finding your niche & positioning, over content creation, or how to build a website.
Probably you have tons of ideas but no clue which one could be a good one. And you really don’t want to go for the wrong one that leads to failure.
On top of it all, your mind plays constant games on you. Questions pop up such as “But what if I fail?” “What if i won’t be able to pay my bills?” “What if I choose the wrong offer?”, “What could my friends think if they see me online?”.
All of that let’s you either procrastinate your dream endlessly or keeps you super busy with all sorts of things that don’t bring you much further.
If you are here, you’ve most likely had enough of that f*ckery and are ready to give yourself a loving butt kick. 😉
Sooo, let’s get started, shall we?! 😀
I guide you step-by-step from finding your business idea, over niching down, until creating your very first offer.
You get crystal clear on WHO you want to help with WHAT and HOW. My offer-centric niche method makes it really easy to find your niche, position yourself in the market, and create an offer that both resonates with you AND sells easily.
The clarity in terms of niche and offer, as well as the research calls you will do, lead to a much deeper understanding of the people you want to reach. That, combined with knowledge on the algorithm, leads to a growing community.
Clarity, a cool offer, eyes on this offer... There's only one more little piece needed in order to generate sales which is: you actively selling. Also this you will learn. In a natural way, no weird pressure tactics necessary. And that leads to you working with first clients.
The course also includes step-by-step guidance on creating your first website. Not sure what to write on your homepage, which colors to go for, or how to structure the website? It's all covered!
After my Master’s degree in Business & Economics, I went to Zanzibar to lead a hotel.
From 0 team lead experience to suddenly 20 staff members under me and leading a 6- to 7-figure business. That was a big step.
I had to learn all the in-and-outs of the hotel business in a 3 weeks handover period. It was intense, but also lots of fun.
This experience taught me, that you can learn a LOT in a short period if you simply have to.
And it made me fall in love with entrepreneurship. I also realized: I wanted to lead my own company, and not be tied to a specific place.
My dream was born to have my own online business.
I’m writing this page sitting in sunny Morocco, where I’ve spent the winter. But I myself once stood where you are right now. 2.5 years ago, I took a week off my full-time job to work on building my business. One day during that week, I leisurely went to the sauna and dreamed of being able to do it whenever I wanted.
Recently, I did just that. I spent a whole day in the sauna midweek without having to ask anyone for holidays or permission. I thought back to the time when that was just a distant dream.
Things can change very quickly when you decide to start. I too had a burning dream of being free to live my life the way I wanted to, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. So I got myself support.
Unfortunately, in my first year, I was too focused on the personal development pieces of business. That led to a constant struggle financially.
When I finally understood how to bring the 2 worlds together: the mind & the heart, the structure & the flow, the strategy & the passion. That’s when my business took off.
This course is the guide I wished to have had when I started out myself!
With that I don’t mean: “Buy now and next month you will earn more than $5k!”. If you are starting from scratch then that’s a little unrealistic. 😉
I mean it contains all the elements that you need to generate $5k+ months regularly. Go through the material, keep learning, keep improving. Come back to the course if you feel stuck somewhere. And you will reach there eventually!
Which elements specifically are in?
Passion and service are at the basis of business for me. That’s what makes for 80% of the success and it’s also what keeps you going when the going gets tough.
But you definitely also need the other 20%: strategy. As this is your first time building a business, you have lots to learn in this area.
This course is a healthy mix of both. It gives you clear step-by-step guidance on what to do.
And there is a business foundation module with lots of mindset & energy input that helps you when you get stuck.
I want this course to be your library, your “go to” place for anything related to bringing out your online business offer, promoting it, and starting to work with clients. Basically, it’s a collection of ALLL my knowledge that I usually teach in the 3-months 1:1 coaching.
It contains everything you need to get from 0 to 5000$+ months.
The course is split into a business foundation module, and 3 strategy modules.
The business foundation module is split into 2 parts:
Entrepreneur Mindset & Energy and Legal & Administrative Setup.
It's easy to either never make any money or to build yourself the next golden cage with a business. Because entrepreneurship is not just about the strategic steps of building offers and attracting clients. But also about shifting your whole identity from employee to entrepreneur. That's what the mindset & energy piece is about. And then of course, you also need to know basics on finance, time management & business registration.
That is the base of a successful business. In 90% of businesses that don't generate any revenues, this is where the issue is at. You need to be super clear on who you help with what and how.
In module 1 you will learn a super intuitive way of niching that actually makes sense. And you're guided step-by-step to create an offer that resonates with you PLUS is easy to sell.
Once you have a clear offer, people need to know about it. So we look into how to make that offer visible.
One tool is content marketing on social media. You learn how to grow an engaged community and receive messages of clients wanting to work with you. The other tool is having a professional website. I show you how to merge design, structure, and copywriting to let your ideal client connect with you.
I'm really not into any weird pressure tactics. A good sales person to me is someone who is able to feel and tune into the needs of their potential clients and speak their language.
You'll learn how to sell on social media, how to lead your clients through the sales process, and what could be the issue if you don't manage to sell.
You’ll get a library that brings you all the essentials to go from 0 to 5000$+ months. AND you get lifetime access!
Anything that I update in the coming months or years, you’ll be able to access as well at no additional cost.
If you worked through all the modules, you created a crystal clear offer, learned how to present it online, and work with first clients. That all might sound super far away. But it’s really not that difficult.
This is what your life could look like if you decide to invest:
You feel clear about your offer, your business, and the direction you are heading towards. You built a solid business foundation that inevitably leads to full-time self-employment.
No more random posting. You take intentional actions that lead to sales.
You start working with first clients and understand what to do to sign on more clients.
You learnt how to put your clients front and center which finally made it easy to sell. Generating a full-time income is just about consistency now.
You finally understand how content works.
You started to build a social media community that supports you and engages with you.
Content creation has become fun and easy. You know exactly which content goes viral, and which one leads to sales.
You have a stunning website that fits perfectly to your social media branding and adds a lot of credibility to your business. It gives your clients all the info they need in order to say “this is exactly what I want, I buy!”
I met Eva on a start-up event back in August. She was trying to sell her services in implementing the ERP Odoo (an ERP is a software that combines all business processes in one solution; i.e. finance, HR, acounting, logistics,…). Super useful for companies who want to streamline their processes. Not that useful for sole proprietors with 2 clients.
She was constantly talking to people who did not have any money for fancy software, nor a process overview issue in their businesses, as they were just starting out.
So, we got to work.
3 months later she had a clear understanding of:
That knowledge & clarity helped her to land her first 100k$ project.
Irene tried to secure clients in all possible ways for months, but it just didn’t work out. We had a first call and 2 days later she signed on her first paying client ever. Here’s her own words.
I knew I needed help.Thanks to her ongoing support and guidance, she gave me a clear strategy and simple steps to follow, helping me regain focus, make confident decisions, and overcome stressful feelings. Her coaching helped me refine my approach, gain clarity, and boost my confidence. Thanks to her strategic insights and practical advice, I was able to leverage the foundation I had built and ultimately secure my first client.
She generously shared her time and knowledge through fast and easy communication and with her expertise, I was able to address both mindset and business challenges effectively. Rebecca's down-to-earth approach made our collaboration enjoyable and fun, creating a sense of ease to the process.
I totally recommend working with Rebecca without hesitation! In just a short time, she has made a significant positive impact on my business, and I am excited about the potential for long-term growth under her guidance. Extremely grateful for her help."
Nope! All I need from you is the dream of becoming free. Being able to shape your own day and work from anywhere. AND: the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve that.
The rest you’ll learn in the course. There are LOTS of journaling questions to help you uncover what’s yours to offer. And also 2 A4 pages of online business idea examples, so that you get an insight into what’s out there.
It’s a self-paced course, so it’s really up to you how much time you invest per week. To go through the whole course in depth AND implement, you’ll probably need 3 to 4 months.
Building an online business is a marathon, not a sprint. You can’t expect to achieve something without putting in any effort. But at the same time, it doesn’t make sense to work so much that you’re exhausted after just one month.
YESSS! Even if you join the first highly-discounted rounds you get lifetime access to all that’s already in PLUS anything I update in the future.
Jep, 100%! I have a very hands-on way of teaching. That means I give you lots of practical exercises and real-world examples. You’ll definitely understand how to formulate your offer (& content) in a way that it resonates with the right person.
At this moment no, as I go into maternity leave end of September.
However, as of next year the course will be included in my 1:1 coaching offer. The benefit for you if you buy now is that:
1) you can get started by yourself now and
2) If you want to start in a 1:1 coaching beginning 2025, you can get the 2024 price (which means more than 1ooo$ discount).
If you are interested in that just shoot me a DM, as I’m filling the 1:1 spots with a start beginning 2025 already now.
Oh yes. I love my work, I want to support my clients, and I truly want this course to be of value to you.
So if you buy it and feel out of whichever reason let-down, or disappointed: write an email to hi@bravebeccy.com within 7 days of purchase and I’ll refund the complete amount.
Imagine a life where your office is a bungalow in Bali, a cozy café in Paris, or an idyllic mountain hut. This probably feels surreal, just like my dream of going to the sauna mid-week back then. However, it’s not just a dream but your potential reality. With the BraveBiz Starter Kit, you get the tools, strategies, and confidence to build the location-independent income you desire.
Are you ready to take yourself and your dreams seriously? Get yourself the toolkit to create your online business that not only brings you financial success but also fun!
Stop putting things off until tomorrow and don’t let your dreams remain dreams. Let’s make them a reality. It all starts with a first step. Buy the course now and get access immediately!
Rebecca Nassor Mentoring
c/o OBC Suisse AG
Aeschengraben 29
4051 Basel
You see all these people working online, from where and when they want. All these women who built their dream. And it touches something in you. You kinda want that too because you love to travel.
But you don’t manage to show yourself online. You are too worried that it could be embarrassing. If at all, you would need to write content for a whole month before you can start.
And you anyway have no idea what type of business would be your thing. And where to start even? It seems SO big. So big that you don’t even want to open that box.
But the dream, it stays in the back of your head.
Cool. No worries. Gotcha. I was there too at some point. And look where I am now.
We’ll get there, step by step. You need clarity as to what your gift is. And confidence to show it to the world. You need some branding & strategy knowledge. And a good dose of trust into yourself & the universe. Aaaall of these topics we’ll look at.
So that by the end of our 12 weeks, you have a branded, active Insta channel & you started to build your website. You had first market research calls with potential soul clients and know your brand archetypes. You know how to deal with yourself and how to clear road blocks. In other words, you have ALL the basics that are needed to start flying.
Sounds good? I’d certainly say so! 😃
If you need some more hard facts, here you go 😊
Learn how to talk directly to your client’s soul & build your tribe.