Hi, I’m Rebecca
Straight-forward, free spirit, bold af
If someone tells me “It’s impossible” that just inspires me to show them how possible it is. So, how about we make some things possible for you? 😀
I’m 32, have a master’s degree in Business & Economics, and lived in Zanzibar for 2 years, where I was leading a hotel with 20 staff members and 6 to 7 fig revenues.
I’m in an interfaith & intercultural relationship and since 2024 I’m also a mum! 😀
In August 21 I wanted to have an own online business & in Jan 22 I jumped into self-employment. Since 2023 I have lived as a digital nomad and help clients around the world to get their business started.
I guess you could say I do things slightly different than the average Swiss.
Why am I telling you this?
Not because I think I’m better than you.
Rather the opposite. I want to inspire you that a life out of the ordinary is possible for you too! 💥
Let’s look at my values before diving further into my story.
I’m used to making bold moves. It’s not that I’m not afraid. But I don’t see fear as a reason to stay away from a path.
You’re also not taking yourself or life too seriously? Wuhuw! Then we are 2 over here already. Life is so much more fun on our side, isn’t it? 😉
Real, deep connections require honesty. Growth requires honesty. Serving others requires honesty.
Leading means taking decisions & the responsibility for them. And indecisiveness is truly not something I waste my time with.
Doesn’t matter whether it’s kite surfing or coaching, I want to be good at things. I want to have an impact, to be big. I know you have that drive too. Let’s be big together!
I can’t stand people bitching at each other. Such an unnecessary waste of energy. Let’s rather shower the world with a wave of kindness!
I was always willing to jump. To make big steps that others called me courageous for. That doesn’t mean I’m not afraid. I’m just used to walking with fear.
Now I’m excited to hold space for your bigness. To lead you to get what you truly want (an income online), even if it scares you.
In the end, all that is between you and your online business is your overthinking. Decide what you want and go get it! 😀
I had traveled Eastern & Southern Africa solo for one year when I was 22. But it took until 25 to really break out of the ordinary. After my Master’s studies, I wanted to go back to Africa and landed a job as a hotel manager in Zanzibar.
All experience I had was a 6-month hotel internship. Leading a team of 20 and a business with 6 to 7-figure revenues was miles out of comfort zone.
But the opportunity hit this sweet spot of scary af and exciting as hell at the same time. So off lil Rebecca went and emigrated to Zanzibar. (You can take the “little” very literally. I’m only 156cm tall and quite some guests thought I was the intern in the hotel haha.)
Zanzibar was everything. A jump into the ice cold water, a dream come true, a magical life, being overworked to near burn out, getting humbled big time, making once-in-a-lifetime experiences (snorkeling with whale sharks, safari in the Serengeti, trekking in the Ngorongoro mountains). Happiness and exhaustion. Light and dark.
It changed me.
And I discovered that while I love Zanzibar, I also love Switzerland. I craved to be free. To dance between the worlds. To live here and there.
When I purchased a photography online course I realized that there are business models that allow you to do what you love, make good $$$, and work remotely.
I was hooked!
In 2020, when everything shut down, I was still in Zanzibar.
As a hotel manager that meant I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands. Instead of panicking, I decided to make the best of it.
I used the time to dig into digital marketing and went all in on my first online business idea: an online kickboxing course.
I learned to design websites, record course material, and the basics of social media marketing.
But the business failed horribly for many reasons.
One of them: I do not care enough about sports & nutrition. I do kickboxing but mainly decided on the topic as my then boyfriend was a kickboxing teacher. I really didn’t care enough to talk about it 24/7. And that made marketing SUPER hard.
Learning: passion for your topic makes or breaks it!
I gave up after 5 months.
Admittedly, I felt defeated. I needed about a year to recover. mid-2021, back in Switzerland, the dream re-surfaced.
I took all my learnings from the first round and started again. Apart from understanding that I needed to find my passion, I also learned: trying by myself doesn’t really work.
This time I started off by investing in coaching and courses.
The 2nd business startup turned into a spiritual awakening. I got to know myself on a whole new level, re-connected with my emotions & intuition, and learned what I can bring to the world.
I understood that my structured thinking brings massive clarity to others. And that my “just do it” attitude is the fuel others need to go for their dreams.
Soon after starting out as an empowerment coach I turned business coach. Because I realized how entrepreneurship, business, and marketing have always been my passion.
I love that intersection of solving problems for others and earning money through it. I see business ideas everywhere and rave about smart methods to generate visibility.
I wasn’t an overnight success story. Actually, I made nearly nothing in the first year. But at some point, all my efforts started to pay off. I finally managed to bring the strategy and the heart together. And it worked.
Now, 3 years later, I live the life that I dreamt of. I am my own boss and can go wherever I want, whenever. I work less and earn more than in traditional employment. My work is super flexible which I appreciate so much as a new mum.
And the most important: I can support such cool people (maybe you? 😉 ) in letting their dream business come to life.
The craziest thing about it: it’s just the start! The vision is becoming bigger and bigger and I can’t wait to see where life takes me.
Feeling the pull to join my universe? Over here there is nothing that you cannot learn or become. It is all just a decision away.
I’m honoured to guide you.
To uncover your mission.
To infuse your doing with meaning.
To bring clarity into your path.
To fuel your actions with confidence.
To find the work that truly lights you up.
And most importantly: to help you create your online income, so that you become a free bird too!
I’m excited to work with you! 😃
Click on the button below to read about my 1:1 Coaching Program.
You see all these people working online, from where and when they want. All these women who built their dream. And it touches something in you. You kinda want that too because you love to travel.
But you don’t manage to show yourself online. You are too worried that it could be embarrassing. If at all, you would need to write content for a whole month before you can start.
And you anyway have no idea what type of business would be your thing. And where to start even? It seems SO big. So big that you don’t even want to open that box.
But the dream, it stays in the back of your head.
Cool. No worries. Gotcha. I was there too at some point. And look where I am now.
We’ll get there, step by step. You need clarity as to what your gift is. And confidence to show it to the world. You need some branding & strategy knowledge. And a good dose of trust into yourself & the universe. Aaaall of these topics we’ll look at.
So that by the end of our 12 weeks, you have a branded, active Insta channel & you started to build your website. You had first market research calls with potential soul clients and know your brand archetypes. You know how to deal with yourself and how to clear road blocks. In other words, you have ALL the basics that are needed to start flying.
Sounds good? I’d certainly say so! 😃
If you need some more hard facts, here you go 😊
Learn how to talk directly to your client’s soul & build your tribe.