Thought Leader Frequency

Client Attraction Coaching

You’re an incredible coach or healer—but your business isn’t reflecting that yet. It’s time to stop blending in and start leading. Leave the “girl next door” energy behind and step into thought leader frequency.  

It’s time to get the attention you deserve!

In 3 months, you will find your voice, become an authority, and consistently attract 1:1 clients who are ready to work with you NOW.

Know this?


People tell you, “You're so inspiring!” but the only thing you can sell are low-ticket offers such as cacao ceremonies or women circles. When it comes to 1:1 coaching sales you are often hearing "I don't have the money" or "I'll think about it".

No Momentum

You constantly question your messaging, your niche, your strategy—switching things up but never building real momentum.

Nothing works

You feel like you are doing all the right things. Posting regularly, following marketing advice, maybe even tried to use ChatGPT for help, but you still get crickets.

Profound Work

The meaning of your work is HUGE, it affects your clients' whole life. You find it impossible to pack it into a simple one line bio statement.

In short: You’ve been in business for a moment now, but something isn’t clicking.

All you want is to work with clients, but somehow you just can’t get (m)any, while left and right everyone seems to be earning millions.

But you’ve got certifications. You’ve helped people. You KNOW you are good at what you do.

The truth? You don’t need another certification. You don’t need another strategy. You need to step into your power and speak with clarity.

You didn’t start your coaching business to fit in again or to feel overwhelmed and confused. You felt drawn to this profession because you see how the world needs it. You’re here to bring change and free people.

Let’s get you the attention you deserve!

First of all, listen to Ginger and Sabrina who were exactly where you are at before we started to work together.

In 3 months you could have this


You have the confidence to take up space, share your story, and let your voice be heard. In other words, you finally OWN your leader identity and are seen as an authority in your space.


You mastered content that doesn’t just inspire—but activates and converts. And believe me, once you get the hang of that, producing content on Instagram is so much fun!


You have crystal clarity on your dream clients and speak directly to their souls.
Through that you'll have developed a clear powerful brand presence that makes you the go-to expert for your soul clients.


You finally experience momentum, clarity, and ease in your business, allowing for both financial and personal fulfillment.
Scaling comes as a by-product.

Want to get to know me a bit better first?

Hotel Manager at age 25

After my Master’s degree in Business & Economics, I went to Zanzibar to lead a hotel.

From 0 team lead experience to suddenly 20 staff members under me and leading a 6- to 7-figure business. That was a big step.

Through this experience, I quickly realized the power of leadership, clear communication, and owning my authority – even when I didn’t feel ready.

I just had to step it up and grow into the role in order to swim.

From $10k debt to $10k+ months

I can describe your situation so well, because I was exactly where you are at.

I started out as an empowerment coach for women but simply could not sign on any clients. My first year was a constant struggle. I brought out program after program, changed direction every 2nd month, was constantly active on Instagram. Nothing worked. I earnt $455.- in one year and was at some point $10k in debt.

Hearing “no” or “I’ll think about it” constantly, plunged me into self-doubts.

But I got up one time more than I was beaten down, went all in, left any side-income, and stumbled into a sales mentor.

He taught me how to speak clearly and sell my service in confidence and finally my business took off.

I had managed to bring the 2 worlds together: the mind & the heart, the structure & the flow, the strategy & the passion. 

Just before maternity leave I celebrated a $13’000.- sales month.

Thought Leader Frequency

I’ve made it my mission now to help you step into thought leader frequency.

If we look at the state of the world we live in, we clearly need more people to be touched by YOU! We need more people to learn how to use their mind productively instead of creating their own prison. We need more people to learn how to regulate their emotions in a healthy way instead of creating more pain. We need more people who live their life to the fullest instead of just hanging on in there.

We need more people to be reached by YOU!

1:1 coaching program

This program is designed as a structured yet intuitive 3-month journey to help you unlock your authority and build a thriving coaching business. Here’s what you can expect each month:

Month 1:
You - The Thought Leader

In month 1, we tackle the issue that your content is valuable, but not activating.

Who is it that you are called forward to become and what is your message? In the first month you rise into your leader identity. We work out the voice of you as a leader and we remove any block that stops you from confidently sharing it.


  • Thought Leader Meditation
  • Identity Work
  • Find your WHY
  • Your Hero Story
  • Resolving mind & energy blocks around personal power

Month 2:
Them - The Soul Clients

In month 2, we make sure you know who you are speaking to.

Now that you know who you are as a leader, we map out who you are here to LEAD. We'll use a blend of intuitive and strategic techniques to get to the base of who your soul client is.


  • Soul Client Meditation
  • Soul Client Mapping
  • Resolving mind & energy blocks around clarity and specificity

Month 3:
You + Them - The Attraction

In month 3, we bring the inner basis (the 80%) together with the strategy (the 20%).

Now it's time to fuse it all together. You learn how to produce content intentionally so that it activates your soul clients and draws them towards the transformation you offer.


  • Content Strategy
  • Understanding the Instagram algorithm
  • Community Building
  • Storytelling
  • Copywriting
  • Resolving mind & energy blocks around connection and leadership


Your future

You know how vastly life can shift through coaching. I don’t need to explain that to you. But let’s still check in which transformation is waiting to be claimed by you.

Your business finally feels how you imagined it from the start. It’s an upward spiral. The energy & enthusiasm that the work with clients gives you feeds into more clients, inspiration, and money.

The $10k+ months that for a long time felt unreachable suddenly feel like a logical consequence or maybe you’ve even crushed that milestone already by the end.

You started to build a social media community that supports you and engages with you.
Content creation has become fun and easy. You know exactly which content goes viral, and which one leads to sales.

Who it's for

Who it's not for

Client stories

From 0$ to a 100k$ project in 3 months

I met Eva on a start-up event back in August. She was trying to sell her services in implementing the ERP Odoo (an ERP is a software that combines all business processes in one solution; i.e. finance, HR, acounting, logistics,…). Super useful for companies who want to streamline their processes. Not that useful for sole proprietors with 2 clients.

She was constantly talking to people who did not have any money for fancy software, nor a process overview issue in their businesses, as they were just starting out.
So, we got to work.

3 months later she had a clear understanding of:

  • her talents, strengths, and experience
  • who her ideal client is and what problems they want solved
  • where that client is hanging out.


That knowledge & clarity helped her to land her first 100k$ project.

First client after 2 days

Irene tried to secure clients in all possible ways for months, but it just didn’t work out. We had a first call and 2 days later she signed on her first paying client ever. Here’s her own words.


Client happiness is top priority for me. So I do not promise things that I cannot hold.

I truly cannot imagine you to  be the one it does not workout for, if you are seeing yourself in what I’ve described on this page. But ideally simply hop on a call with me and tell me what you’ve already tried. Then I can give you further feedback.

I don’t even have a big following haha. I had my first $13k month with 450 followers. So, nope. You need to know how to get the attention of the eyes that are already there. 😉

This isn’t just another marketing program. It’s a mix of identity work, intuitive strategy, and powerful messaging techniques that help you stop blending in and start standing out as a true leader in your field. I’ve honestly not seen this concept anywhere else yet.

Let's step into that thought leader identity!

If you came until here, we both know that this program is for you. That it calls your name.

So what are you waiting for?

The world needed you to truly show up and step into your leader identity yesterday.

Click below to schedule a discovery call. Can’t wait to get to know you!

Rebecca Nassor Mentoring
c/o OBC Suisse AG
Aeschengraben 29
4051 Basel

12 weeks 1:1 Mentoring
become your brand

You see all these people working online, from where and when they want. All these women who built their dream. And it touches something in you. You kinda want that too because you love to travel.

But you don’t manage to show yourself online. You are too worried that it could be embarrassing. If at all, you would need to write content for a whole month before you can start.

And you anyway have no idea what type of business would be your thing. And where to start even? It seems SO big. So big that you don’t even want to open that box.

But the dream, it stays in the back of your head.

Cool. No worries. Gotcha. I was there too at some point. And look where I am now.

We’ll get there, step by step. You need clarity as to what your gift is. And confidence to show it to the world. You need some branding & strategy knowledge. And a good dose of trust into yourself & the universe. Aaaall of these topics we’ll look at.

So that by the end of our 12 weeks, you have a branded, active Insta channel & you started to build your website. You had first market research calls with potential soul clients and know your brand archetypes. You know how to deal with yourself and how to clear road blocks. In other words, you have ALL the basics that are needed to start flying.

Sounds good? I’d certainly say so! 😃

If you need some more hard facts, here you go 😊

The Communication Mentoring

Learn how to talk directly to your client’s soul & build your tribe.

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